Three sons go underground in search of magical music. I read this story to my kids a lot and really enjoyed the process of reading and transcribing it. I'd love more stories in the future, and I hope it won't be long before we show Michelin how to search in the collection. Recorded Audio Press Releases Added to Counties on / / Speakers from counties have now completed this innovative feature on . Work began in Waterford and County Galway in.
The place names of the counties from the year to the Latest Mailing Database beginning of the year were recorded. Added Irish and English audio files with the names of barony, statutory parishes and constituencies, as well as the names of some physical features. The purpose of the recordings is to provide the public with a guide to the pronunciation of local place names. (However, they do not reflect the nuances in pronunciation of different parts of the same county.) A speaker was chosen for each particular county, a speaker who had grown up in that county and knew the place-name for that place. In counties, native Irish speakers were selected. In other counties, those who choose to speak English are fluent in Irish and understand the pronunciation of English place names.
The list of speakers is available here. is a public website where the public can obtain the official Irish names of approximately towns, streets and population centers across the country. Since its official launch on December , , the place-name website has received more than , hits. Students, teachers, journalists, translators, anyone who wants authoritative place names can easily find information through search. People around the world who are interested in Ireland's heritage, culture and geography are also interested in the site. Jo McHugh, Minister of State for Galtacht, said: "Ireland's history, language and culture are intertwined with the country's place names.