Fleas affect people, dogs and their environments every summer when that frustrating infestation always seems to emerge. These parasites Telephone Number List are dark in color and lack wings, however they are able to jump great distances in comparison to their body. They feed off blood with a specially adapted mouth which allows them to break their host's Telephone Number List skin to feed. Not only do fleas cause skin irritations, occasionally dogs can also be allergic to flea bites. When a dog is allergic to fleas, you may see hair loss, open wounds and very Telephone Number List red skin. When an allergy is present, it becomes important to remove the flea infestation as quickly as possible.
When dogs are suffering a flea allergy, the fleas seem resistant to regular topical treatments and for relief it may be necessary to consult with Telephone Number List your vet regarding an internal flea treatment. Here's a fun flea fact - in regards to Telephone Number List body and jumping ratio, fleas are second only to the frog hopper for the distance they can jump! You will find that Telephone Number List pressure does not usually kill a flea - it is difficult to squash a flea without it sliding out and escaping being squashed. Flea's have an exoskeleton which is designed to avoid elimination through squashing. Consequently they are easily able to maneuver themselves into small Telephone Number List spaces because of their flatter bodies and smooth exoskeleton.
If you prefer to pick up individual fleas and dispose of them you can use softened bees wax or sticky tape to collect the fleas prior to Telephone Number List drowning them. There are much easier, less time consuming methods, however to get rid of fleas. These parasites can be not only annoying but debilitating to some dogs - we hope that you can find a Telephone Number List remedy which suits you here. One of the most common side effects of fleas is scratching. When the fleas bite the dog's skin it causes a skin irritation and the dogs will scratch at it to relive the discomfort. Excessive scratching can result in raw skin leaving the dog open to secondary Telephone Number List bacterial skin infections developing.