This is a necessary step for referencing the web page. This is what will allow Internet users to land on your website. As said in several of our articles, the keyword stage is the most important part of developing an SEO strategy. Only, they must be correlated with the activity of the company. In this writing, it is also necessary to work on the internal mesh , that is to say the links which refer to other pages of your website. However, you have to be careful not to add too much.
Links should be relevant. Just like these, external links – also called backlinks – must appear in the content. Google uses them to rank websites, and therefore put the one it finds most relevant first. What to fill out after writing to optimize its positioning A web copywriter's job is also to optimize images fax list for SEO . First of all, they have to be of high quality because that is what keeps a reader longer on the article. Regarding SEO, the Google robot takes into account several elements . The editor must therefore complete: The ALT attribute The Title attribute The file name Image size Image elements in the back office Elements of an image in the back office Its job is also to fill in the meta title as well as the meta description.
The title tag can contain up to 70 characters and must be different from the original article title, and 230 characters maximum for the description tag. These tags are displayed in search results. Finally, as for what is to be filled in after writing, the web editor must rewrite the URL of the article . It must be simple , so that the Internet user can easily find it. It is advisable to use only a few keywords , separated by hyphens, that correspond to the topic of the article, after your domain name.