To identify in which areas there are greater risks, and with which countries, in addition to Last Database determining the key sectors and axes. Regarding the latter, as the European Commission has made explicit, achieving an EU with the Last Database capacity and freedom to act requires reinforcing its open strategic autonomy, which is articulated around ten axes: (a) ensuring a food and health system sustainable and resilient, (b) guarantee decarbonized and accessible energy, (c) strengthen Last Database capacity in data management, artificial intelligence and disruptive technologies, (d) guarantee and.
Diversify the supply of critical raw Last Database materials, (e) ensure leadership in setting global standards, (f) building an economic and financial system that is resilient and prepared for future challenges, (g) developing and retaining the skills and talents that respond to the Last Database ambitions of the eu, (h) strengthen security and defense capabilities and access to space, (i) work with global partners to promote peace, security and prosperity for all, and (j) strengthen the resilience of institutions5. These ten areas open up a space for policy dialogue between the EU and Last Database Latin America for the sake of regulatory.
Convergence between Last Database both regions that provides an opportunity to deploy the so-called «Brussels Effect»6. Within the framework of the renewal of the EU industrial strategy , on May 5, 2021, the Commission published a study on strategic Last Database dependencies and capacities. With an analysis of more than 5,000 goods imported by the Union, it was observed that in 137 of them there is a high dependence on third countries. As Last Database countries on which the eu depends most, in order from largest to smallest, are China (accounting for about half of those products), Vietnam and Brazil. The main sectors in which these external dependencies are found are the ecosystems of the energy-intensive industry –raw and processed materials, and also chemicals.