Tongue there is an option to run advanc data measurement, thanks to which, without changes in the code, we can also track scroll (activat once when the user reaches of the page) outbound clicks site search interactions with the film file downloads google analytics - However, events also have their limits. We can send other prefin or custom variables, no more. select from ready-made ones, such as ecommerce google analytics - Source ssupport ?hlen We can also define our own. However, without defining events and variables, most of the information and functions of GA will be unavailable. In addition, the way events are forward also changes.
There will be no more categories or actions. So the old implementation nes to undergo a major overhaul. It is therefore worth reviewing the lists of available parameters and considering your Japan WhatsApp Number List own nes to plan the network of information sent to the new service. For example, tracking video on a website with UA requires implementing events via GTM . GA in its advanc tracking options has a built-in video module by default. Another example is tracking the correct completion of forms on the website - in the case of UA, we had options with classic forms with a separate thank you for subpage, we set the goal of visiting this subpage.
The matter was complicat if our thanks appear in the form of a pop-up. In this case, it was necessary to act in GTM and, bas on changes in the DOM, set the appropriate rule that sent the event to Google Analytics. In GA , it is enough to add the generatelead event to which we simply assign the appropriate value. Session counting differs slightly between the two services. In the case of UA, a new campaign automatically starts a new session, which is not present in GA . This means that the number of report sessions in the new service will be smaller.