To do this, make sure you Industry Mailing List link your tour from your blog, your mailing list, all real estate listing sites (, Trulia and others) and promote through social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). By building a strong mailing list, setting up a blog, and using effective virtual tour software, you'll be ahead of the game and ready to get your clients' homes sold faster Industry Mailing List and easier than ever before. It seems postcard marketing companies are popping up everywhere these days. A simple Web search for "Direct Mail Postcards" will generate hundreds of Industry Mailing List businesses, all claiming to be experts. Granted, there are some really great, experienced postcard marketing companies online.
But there are also dozens Industry Mailing List of one-size-fits-all, no-staff, no-support Web-based companies that use only templates and automated software to launch mediocre postcard marketing campaigns for their clients. So how do you tell the difference? One Industry Mailing List simple phone call. If you're thinking about using a marketing company for your direct mail postcards, here are 6 questions you should ask your rep before getting started. 1. How long have you been in the postcard marketing business? Get a specific answer for this one. This is a sure-fire way to Industry Mailing List tell if the company has real experience with direct mail postcards.
Even if their company has been Industry Mailing List around for 20 years, that doesn't mean they've focused specifically on postcard marketing. Direct mail postcards can be tricky business, so you'll want to make sure your agency has been doing it for at least a few years. 2. Who are some of your clients? This is another great way to tell how much experience your postcard marketing company has. The best Industry Mailing List agencies will have worked with well-known brands and businesses around the nation. If your company can't mention one name you recognize, then you should probably look elsewhere. 3. Can I see some samples? Absolutely critical. Be sure to look closely at work that's already been created Industry Mailing List by the postcard marketing company.