These tools keep track of all outgoing links from a large collection of websites. URL of a particular page or website in this tool, you can see which backlinks this website has. That way you can determine the authority of this website. The most well-known tools you can use for this are Majestic and MOZ . We use Majestic ourselves because it has a slightly larger coverage in the Netherlands when you look at the number of crawled Dutch websites. What data should I look at? Backlink Profile FacebookThe Majestic and MOZ tools are pretty similar in terms of data to look out for. For example, Majestic uses the main metrics citation flow and trust flow.
The citation flow indicates how many backlinks the website or page you entered has. The trust flow indicates how qualitative these backlinks are. The in the phone number list same metrics range from 0 to 100. The citation and trust flow must always be well balanced. Think of it as a kind of scale. When the trust flow lags significantly behind the citation flow, alarm bells should ring. in determining the strength of the backlink. The MOZ tool works in a slightly different way. They reflect the domain and page authority. Suppose you get a link from the homepage, then it will be much more valuable than a link from.
What type of backlinks are there? Besides the fact that you can look at metrics such as citation flow, trust flow, domain authority and page authority, it is good to also look at the type of backlinks that a certain website has. We call this the backlink profile. The backlink profile should look natural and strong. We talk about a natural backlink profile when the links are obtained in a natural way. Another website has linked to your website because he or she has a good reason to do so.